Peace in the Middle East? Not unless the children are peaceful.

children england

The essential principle of progressive, civilised human life is to restrain negative emotions within oneself and to limit their discharge towards others; and to cultivate positive emotions such as tolerance, compassion and non-violence. Lust, greed and anger are the three gates leading to Hell, reads the ancient Bhagavad-gita.

Perpetuating negative emotions leads to a permanent negative state within a person, and negativity throughout a society when it is made up predominantly of such persons. “So the single rice grain, so the pot of rice.”

We radiate an emotional state when we don’t make efforts to control it; we can’t help it. All others who contact us are affected by our unchecked emotions. And we do a great disservice to our children if we force them to imbibe our negativity.

So imagine the consequences when an entire society cultivates these very negative qualities within its children – through the educational system itself. Peace in the Middle East? Not when the emotions of the children are being systematically slaughtered.

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One response to “Peace in the Middle East? Not unless the children are peaceful.

  1. Powerful words, powerfully written. Made me stop and think about all the times I excuse myself when I am vulgar, emotionally critical and of course that ol’ chestnut – angry… How many times in the day are there to stop and think before speaking? Countless. Is the purpose to be a better person? Well, yes it is. What does it mean to be “better” To live in peace and in harmony with one’s self and in so doing foster, encourage and attract peace and harmony in others , especially those who look to us as an example of what it means to be human. Thank you my friend. Inspirational as ever….

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